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Journal 辦公桌的設計中,彩色桌面與輕鋼框架相得益彰。日記本的功能性體現在最小的細節上,並且具有誘人的外觀,這使其成為任何現代裝飾的時尚補充。在 Journal 的設計中,實際使用是透過離散的功能細節來解決的。桌面有一個整合的金屬索環,桌面下方的鋼製抽屜為辦公用品提供了空間。 《J...
查看完整詳細信息橋 桌子 受到歐洲唯一擁有 6 座橋樑的城市波爾圖的啟發,Bridge 辦公桌具有光滑、圓形的表面和整體簡約的美感。它由橡木或胡桃木製成,腿部有鋼弧,很像波爾圖橋樑上的結構。 有時,一切似乎都是數位化的,但每個人都在反對分散和分散,Bridge 會提醒您始...
查看完整詳細信息桌子包括一個主桌面和左側一個 15 毫米弧形透明玻璃擱板。細節採用光澤鋁材。也可訂製尺寸。主頂部下方的層架可放置在左側或右側,無需額外付費,只需在訂單中註明即可。 不包括抽屜單元。
Sagyo 辦公桌是 Sagyo 系列家具的一部分。 Sagyo 在日語中的意思是“工作”,這款緊湊的書桌可以在客廳、書房甚至小臥室中使用。當與可選的磁性架子和鏡子一起使用時,Sagyo 變成了梳妝台。 木材 : 水曲柳 表面處理 : 聚氨酯 日本製造
門房 安慰 禮賓部採用經典和現代木工技術手工打造,自豪地在葡萄牙製造。 其頂部設有一個實用的儲物空間,帶有多個隔層,例如三個抽屜、一個用於收集頂部物品的圓形蓋隔層以及一個帶支撐凹槽的實心胡桃木形狀條,用於展示書籍和雜誌。 禮賓服務簡單、實用且節省空間,可輕...
查看完整詳細信息Modern desk or bookcase? Wall Street is an unusual combination designed by Alessio Bassan, the result of which is a refined office desk. The numero...
查看完整詳細信息Vega is a splendid office desk designed by Giorgio Cattelan. It can be enhanced with some practical accessories that make it a functional office sy...
查看完整詳細信息Storm, designed by Andrea Lucatello, is a small modern desk, perfect in a home office or to furnish a reading corner. Characterised by original lin...
查看完整詳細信息Paolo Cattelan has designed the Runner desk for everyday use, focusing on function and comfort. The height of this adjustable desk can easily be ch...
查看完整詳細信息Paolo Cattelan designed the Run family of desks for everyday use, focusing on function and comfort.This design desk has a compact and practical siz...
查看完整詳細信息Paolo Cattelan has designed the Runner desk for everyday use, focusing on function and comfort. The height of this adjustable desk can easily be ch...
查看完整詳細信息Paolo Cattelan designed the Run family of desks for everyday use, focusing on function and comfort.This design desk has a compact and practical siz...
查看完整詳細信息Paolo Cattelan designed the Run family of desks for everyday use, focusing on function and comfort.This design desk has a compact and practical siz...
查看完整詳細信息Paolo Cattelan designed the Run family of desks for everyday use, focusing on function and comfort.This design desk has a compact and practical siz...
查看完整詳細信息Qwerty is a small modern desk designed by Andrea Lucatello, perfect in a home office or to furnish a reading corner. Characterised by geometric lin...